practicing patience, 2021-ongoing project

Practicing patience, an ode to patience throught a hidden motivation, fabric, cotton, iron, wire ,polyfill, chain
Exhibition view, Matter Matters, group show, atelier Concorde, 2022
Practicing patience, an ode to patience throught a hidden motivation is a fibric touchable sculpture.
My recent practice is based on research on mental disorders and the unique perception of the artwork's body from both the creator's and the viewer's perspectives. My constant need to practice patience is the starting point. Living with anxiety disorder has required me to reinvent myself numerous times, to push my boundaries, and to overcome my own limitations. I could be reborn as a new person, empowered and refreshed, by gradually building patience. And it is my hope that the viewer will feel the same way as they interact with the artwork. A connection that is not only visual, but also physical, transforming art into a tool for communication and inspiration for the general public.